Hello All, I'm sure that most if not all of you have read about or heard about the situation that occurred in the Pa State Legislature. I've refrained from comment so far so as it enables me to fully comprehend the intricate nature of this situation. My objection to the invocation is a legal one. Although I am of the opinion that the invocation shouldn't have happened in the first place, as it proselytized the Christian faith to those who may not share said religious convictions, or to those who hold no religious convictions at all. However, the invocation happened… so it goes. Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director for Americans United for Separation of Church and State said, “Opening prayers should be inclusive and respectful to the whole community, They should never be divisive. They should not proselytize. ” I agree with Mr. Luchenitser’s assessment of what an invocation should be, if it even happens. Here are a few quotes support...