Hello All, I am quite aware of the consequences of this post, as it is inflammatory in nature, I will add as a disclaimer that I am an American citizen and have lived in the country for my entire life. While few are willing to admit it, America is not the greatest country in the world. It has the 3rd largest labor force as of 2017 per the CIA world factbook. The country is 122nd in industrial production growth rate at 2.3%. It is 125th in literacy, 29th in math and science. The country is 6th in median household income. The country is 24th in military expenditures compared to GDP. The country is 2nd in exports. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore, and if you think that I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about- Yosemite? We sure used to be, we fought wars to protect freedom, passed and struck down laws for moral reasons, cared about the world, we reached for the stars and went to the moon! We wiped out diseases...