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President Trump Shouldn't be In the White House

Hello All,

 Would you agree that President Trump is a misogynistic, scientifically illiterate moron who should be nowhere near our nuclear weapons or the White House? He denies climate change despite the overwhelming evidence, and if you look at what the Republican Party is, it's a shell of what it once was under Lincoln. Republicans think that all the other countries are out to get us. Instead,we should just make friends and find our niche in a global economy. Trump has canceled research verifying greenhouse gas cuts. If America wants to remain a superpower without throwing its weight around to get what it wants, then it needs to move away from fossil fuels, every job in the fossil fuel industry could be outsourced to another industry, workers who maintain oil and natural gas pipelines can go into the plumbing industry, or on maintaining the coolant systems on nuclear reactors. Chemists could work on developing bioplastics, managers can be outsourced to any industry, the metal could be used to build nuclear reactors or particle accelerators, the welders can build those, it'd be simpler to slowly move away from fossil fuels over the next decade, but if Trump's control over Congress and the Supreme Court doesn't end, then the US will continue to fall behind, if we make advances and eliminate religion, the need for large and costly militaries will disappear, due to lack of tension in Southwest Asia, and debts can be repaid and our understanding of the world advanced. The Supreme Court is, unfortunately, a lost cause, since they don't recall church-state separation stating that Colorado baker Jack Philip's religious beliefs hadn't been considered, so he didn't have to provide a cake for the wedding of a homosexual couple, so the Court needs to become more socially progressive. I mean seriously, the court is upset that the baker's religious beliefs weren't considered? That's odd because the Constitution says, in essence, that all people are equal. To reference the Seattle Times, "'Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the Holocaust,' one of the commissioners said in 2014. 'And to me, it is one of the most despicable pieces of rhetoric that people can use to — to use their religion to hurt others.'" Even if you ignore the Supreme Court issue the wall is pointless since planes can fly over walls, just a "minor" issue there. To conclude I suggest that Trump and Pence be removed from office if it is found that Russia tampered with the election, and furthermore that they be barred from holding an office of public trust as a result.

Yours In Politics and Reality,
   Moderate Liberal 
   Agnostic Atheist
   Running Enthusiast
   LGBT+ Ally
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