Citizens of the World,
Would you agree that Boy Scouts, or Scouting, or whatever you wish to call it, must accept openly atheist and agnostic scouts? Their membership is on the decline so it would be logical to permit open atheists and open agnostics to be members, but no, they are an organization requiring religion involving a deity or higher power, and I am ashamed to be a member of it. I intend to move on through life, and announce my atheism in College, mailing a letter to my current troop informing them of my atheism. It is abhorrent that one must have faith in a deity to be a member of an organization, especially one that claims to build character and develop important skills such as how to cook, or use tools. It's sad to make such a group exclusive of non-religious people, it also doesn't accept people of eastern religions which lack a deity. Let's end this practice, try to join scouts as an atheist if you are one when they refuse to let you join, say you don't want to be a part of an organization that forces ignorance upon young children through religion, let's make the BSA change for a modern world, accept science, and teach scouts think critically.
Yours in Politics and Reality,
Moderate Liberal
Agnostic Atheist
Running Enthusiast
LGBT+ Ally
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