Hello all,
Normally I'd be bashing Trump's latest move for its lack of logic or its use of twisted facts to advance a political agenda that has destroyed the ideals of a party that could formerly wear the label of "The Grand Old Party", however the bipartisan legislation that passed in the Senate is an unprecedented effort of bipartisanship in this era of political turmoil, in an age of anger and anxiety, this bill stands out, 87 of the 100 members of the pre-2018 US Senate voted yes for the bill on criminal justice reform, only 12 Republicans voted against it and Sen. Lindsey Grahmn (R-S.C) was absent for the vote. This bill is expected to be taken up by the House and voted on, with a conference committee hopefully in the future. Though a wonderful step in Criminal Justice Reform, it only affects federal prisoners. However, this is one of only a few, if not the only move the president has made that I agree with. So call your Representatives, write a letter, send an email encouraging them to vote yes on the bill and send it to conference committee, however, if no changes are made then it basically goes straight to the Oval Office.
Yours in Reality,
Moderate Liberal
LGBT+ Ally
U.S Citizen (No, I'm not Canadian or English)
Agnostic Atheist
Quote of the Post:
John Van Dyke: The First Commandment says "Honor thy father." Toby: No, it doesn't! Josh Lyman: Toby— Toby: It doesn't! [C.J. tries to stop him] No! If I'm gonna make you sit through this preposterous exercise, we're gonna get the names of the damn Commandments right! Mary Marsh: Okay, here we go. Toby: "Honor thy father" is the Third Commandment! Van Dyke: Then what's the First Commandment? Bartlet: "I am the Lord your God; thou shalt worship no other god before me." [enters the room, walking with a cane] Boy, those were the days, huh?
Normally I'd be bashing Trump's latest move for its lack of logic or its use of twisted facts to advance a political agenda that has destroyed the ideals of a party that could formerly wear the label of "The Grand Old Party", however the bipartisan legislation that passed in the Senate is an unprecedented effort of bipartisanship in this era of political turmoil, in an age of anger and anxiety, this bill stands out, 87 of the 100 members of the pre-2018 US Senate voted yes for the bill on criminal justice reform, only 12 Republicans voted against it and Sen. Lindsey Grahmn (R-S.C) was absent for the vote. This bill is expected to be taken up by the House and voted on, with a conference committee hopefully in the future. Though a wonderful step in Criminal Justice Reform, it only affects federal prisoners. However, this is one of only a few, if not the only move the president has made that I agree with. So call your Representatives, write a letter, send an email encouraging them to vote yes on the bill and send it to conference committee, however, if no changes are made then it basically goes straight to the Oval Office.
Yours in Reality,
Moderate Liberal
LGBT+ Ally
U.S Citizen (No, I'm not Canadian or English)
Agnostic Atheist
Quote of the Post:
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