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Showing posts from December, 2018

Oh Dear.

Hello All,    FYI: CULTS are bad, they try to kidnap you in some cases as were two children. So, the two kids, 14 and 12 were taken near NYC (New York City) they were taken to a Scranton airport where they were flown to Mexico fortunately, they were found, near Tenango del Aire. The Kidnappers are all part of the ultra-conservative Jewish cult Lev Tehor group based in Guatemala, the group is so conservative that it forces female followers to be covered from head to toe. It also arranges marriages between teenagers. This is yet another example of why religion should be either outlawed or eliminated through other means. Yours in REALITY,    D    Classical Liberal    Independent     LGBT+ ally    Running Enthusiast    Person Trying to Piss off Conservatives and maybe Trump. Source G...

Patriotism: Worship of the Country

Hello All,    In Texas, the patriotism runs as deep as the religion and the Republicans (except Austin). A Harris, TX school district forces it's children to stand for the pledge. Ironic, I thought this was settled when Jehovah's Witnesses sued to permit the children of their members to sit during the pledge, but then again Texas has its head in a hole or a hole in its head. A 17-year old student remained standing, an action she partook in, per her words, "'around 200 times in class'" a district spokesperson stated that standing for the pledge was required by Texas law,  however a note can excuse a citizen, while Texas Education Code Section 25-802 says this, it neglects the SUPREME COURT"S ruling in the 1943 case  West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette , where Jehovah's Witnesses, in their only intelligent act, sued to protect their right which was protected under the establishment clause, however per Find Law the law also violated the...

Religion: A Melting Pot for Hate

Hello All,    Recently there are two stories of religion-based hate crimes, Franklin Grahmn said deplorable things about transgender individuals, psychology is a complex subject that not all understand and though Mr. Graham has an associate degree in science, though I could find no information showing he has advanced psychological training. He posted a comment on Facebook advocating for NC HB2 or the "bathroom bill" from the North Carolina House of Representatives, his comment says and I quote directly, "  Bruce Springsteen , a long-time gay rights activist, has canceled his North Carolina concert. He says the NC law  # HB2  to prevent men from being able to use women's restrooms and locker rooms is going "backwards instead of forwards." Well, to be honest, we need to go back! Back to God. Back to respecting and honoring His commands. Back to common sense. Mr. Springsteen, a nation embracing sin and bowing at the feet of godless secularism and po...

Mercer County, WV. A Hole in Its Head or Its Head in a Hole?

Hello All,    It appears Mercer County, West Virginia either has a hole in its head or its head in a hole.  "Update Appended  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has overturned a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit filed against a West Virginia county for offering Bible classes in its middle and elementary schools. On Monday, the Fourth Circuit sided with parent Elizabeth Deal, who sued on behalf of her daughter to stop the county from allowing the “Bible in Schools” program to be taught in Mercer County, a program that had been in county schools for nearly 80 years before it was suspended last year. The elective program provided 30 minutes of weekly Bible instruction for elementary school students and 45 minutes for middle school students “as a part of the regular school day,” according to the court’s ruling. The county itself had administered the BITS program and designed its curriculum for “specially employed BITS teachers” since ...

The Catholic Church's Poor Stance on Contraception

Hello All,    A Catholic Outpost in Cleveland is cutting ties with a Catholic school building a health clinic. The sole reason for the split is clear, the clinic must offer contraception, something the church rather moronically denounces because it is against Catholic teachings. The Church's stance is deplorable, as 69% of adults with AIDS live in Africa, and the church is against contraception use to prevent more from being infected. All I can say is that this is another reason that the church should cease existing. Yours in Reality,    D    Moderate Liberal    Independent    Agnostic antitheist atheist    LGBT+ ally    Runner Quote of the Post: It seems my granddaughter, Annie, had given an interview in one of the teen magazines. And somewhere between movie stars and make-up tips, she talked about her feelings on a woman's right to choose. Now Annie, all of 12, has always been precocious, but s...

Keep Religious Beliefs out of Government

Hello All,    In another case exemplifying why religion and government are best treated like oil and water, both there, but never mixing. A Claremont, New Hampshire City Councilor, named Johnathan Stone is insulting an atheist (who I am not naming to protect their privacy, but will call Kirk) living in the city who suggested that two religious displays be removed from a public park, or that all faiths be able to put up displays. He suggested that he be able to put up a Satanic display, though he is not a Satanist, in order to make the public display religiously neutral, however in a stunning show of disgraceful conduct, Stone started insulting Kirk and his wife in a conversation with a white nationalist. Stone's posts are now under investigation by local police, Stone says they are fine, they only mention Kirk's family, not threaten them. Stone has also blamed Kirk for starting the debate and "threatening" the city to try and change its tradition. Kirk isn...

Bipartisan Legislation Supported by Trump Is a Good Sign

Hello all,    Normally I'd be bashing Trump's latest move for its lack of logic or its use of twisted facts to advance a political agenda that has destroyed the ideals of a party that could formerly wear the label of "The Grand Old Party", however the bipartisan legislation that passed in the Senate is an unprecedented effort of bipartisanship in this era of political turmoil, in an age of anger and anxiety, this bill stands out, 87 of the 100 members of the pre-2018 US Senate voted yes for the bill on criminal justice reform, only 12 Republicans voted against it and Sen. Lindsey Grahmn (R-S.C) was absent for the vote. This bill is expected to be taken up by the House and voted on, with a conference committee hopefully in the future. Though a wonderful step in Criminal Justice Reform, it only affects federal prisoners. However, this is one of only a few, if not the only move the president has made that I agree with. So call your Representatives, write a letter, send...

Don't Elect Religious Leaders to School Boards

Hello All,    Clearly electing religious leaders to a School Board is a bad idea. Ex- Rockingham County Board of Education member Ron Price is using an unconstitutional North Carolina law to try and proselytize to the school board meeting attendees as members of the board. Fortunately, some Supreme Court case struck down the law as unconstitutional. The fact that the law was passed is a testament to the stubbornness and indoctrinated nature of the majority of citizens in a state such as North Carolina. The best part is that when a board attorney said that the board would be sued and lose, a CURRENT MEMBER said that said attorney, Jill Wilson should be fired. So if you think religion can mix take it from Thomas Jefferson who advocated Virginia Statute for  Religous Freedom. On religion and government, he says,  "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respect...

Don't Donate to the Religious Organizations

Hello All,    I know that there are those who will decry me and claim I care not for my fellow humans, however, it is quite the contrary, which I why I refuse to buy or eat Chik-fil-a on the principle that they donate to anti-LGBT groups, (  I find this problematic because they claim that love is special and god-created, but it's not it's a chemical reaction in the brain. Donate to organizations that don't involve religion, they are most likely to be non-discriminatory. Donate to groups that get atheists out of the 13 countries where atheism is punishable by death. Remember, the orbit of the Earth is the reason for the season(s). Yours in Reality,   D   Moderate Liberal   Independent   Agnostic anti-theist atheist   LGBT+ ally   Runner "I don't see how we can have a separation of Church & State in this government if you have to pass a religious test, to get in this gov...

CMU: Communication Management Units, More Like Political Roundups

Hello All,    I just finished watching a TED talk on secret US prisons, I'll include the link at the bottom. Disclaimer for any government official stalking my blog: I am not advocating anarchy, I am merely stating my view of the cases that CMU's are used to quell political dissidence. Also, stop stalking me, you have better things to do with your one and only very short life. My first example comes from, if you find evidence that this source is unreliable, you should feel obligated to state so in the comments, even if it weakens my case and/ or you agree with me. " In August 2008, one year into his sentence, McGowan was transferred to a new isolation unit in Marion, Illinois. It is a prison with a long history of isolating political prisoners through long-term solitary confinement. In the 1970s, the prison was home to a permanent-lockdown unit that even the warden  admitted  was created to 'control revolutionary attitudes in the prison system...